A mysterious figure known as the "Leatherman" would routinely travel a 365-mile circuit in the 1800s for no discernible purpose

A mysterious figure known as the "Leatherman" would routinely travel a 365-mile circuit in the 1800s for no discernible purpose. Although no one ever discovered his name, place of origin, or motivation for making the journey, he rose to fame as a well-liked local hero.

In all types of weather and during all four seasons, the Leatherman wore a boot suit—an outfit made out of worn-out leather boots and ties that weighed over 60 pounds. Locals could determine the time based on where he was because he slept in caves and kept his schedule so well. Every 34 days, the Leatherman completed the journey between the rivers of the Hudson and Connecticut, passing through 40 little towns.

Though he never spoke beyond a few grunts in English or French, adults and children in the town looked forward to his visits. When the Leatherman stopped by a home, it was considered an honor, and schoolchildren stayed on their best behavior in hopes of being chosen to bring the Leatherman food when he passed their campuses.

After he perished, so many people visited the Leatherman's roadside grave that the local historical society decided to move it farther inland to avoid potential accidents. When the body was exhumed for reburial in 2011, many thought DNA testing might help solve the mystery of who he was.

However, those hopes were dashed when they opened the casket to find that the remains were missing. Now, the Leatherman is shrouded in even more mystery: no one knows who he was or where he is.


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