📝M O L E S T A T I O N

📝M O L E S T A T I O N

I came as you invited
After many of your woos I neglected
I came so I could know you
Cause for months you have been new

I came in my white innocent gown
Looking like what my mother always call her 'crown'
My dress was not naked
My looks were not baked 

You offered me a seat
And treated me like you would lick my feet
I felt frightened, yet I felt secured
Your disposition, my fear cured

We talked
We laughed
We told tall tales of trillion trees
Your smiles almost made my heart sneezed

I comported myself
Yes! I I never let loosed myself
I proposed to leave
When I noticed your adamic leaf

Shooting out of your gladiator
Like a soldier's weapon at a predator
I persisted to go!
Yes! I persistedly persisted to go!

You uprooted me!
Swung me on the bed like a floater on a dangling sea
I was taken-aback! Even though I fought
Despite my silent prayers, you mocked!

My mouth dripped blood
So was my yoni gushing like flood!
O! What would I tell my Womanhood!
O! Womanhood! How will I mend my wound?

My future husband will never understand
That I never fished in the sand
He will never understand
That I was never a road - stand!

When you see my husband
Tell him not all ladies were gangs
Tell him if I survive the shock
He should never my past mock!

*Never trust the looks of some well-dressed men*

Golden Icon 
Poetic Heiress ✍️


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