Strange history Headless Mike

Strange history Headless Mike, also known as Wonder Mike (April 1945 – March 1947), was a Viandot rooster known for living 18 months after his head was almost completely severed.

Mike's been exposed to the public for a fee of 25 cents. At the peak of his popularity, the chicken brought the owners $4,500 a month ($48,000 in 2010 prices) and was valued at $10,000. Next to Mike, a pickled chicken head was often displayed behind his head, but in fact his head was eaten by a cat. Olsen's success led to a wave of beheading chickens in the hope of repeating this, but no other headless chickens survived more than a day or two.

It was found that the ax did not hit the carotid artery, so Mike did not die of bleeding. Although part of his head was severed, most of his brain stem and one ear remained on his body.

 Since the main functions (breathing, pulse, etc.), as well as most reflex actions are controlled by the brain stem, Mike remained alive. This case is a good example of many nervous system functions being performed in the absence of cerebral cortex.

Mike the hěadless chicken was a chicken that live up to 18 months after its head has been cút off.

It happened on Sept. 10, 1945, when farmer Lloyd Olsen decided to k!ll a 5½-month-old chicken named Mike for supper. 

The ax ended up removing the bulk of the héad, but missed the jugular vein, leaving one ear and most of the brain intact.

With this failed attempt to bëhëad Mike, it could still balance on a perch, and also work clumsily. It couldn't peck for food, and instead of crowing, he could only make a gurgling sound from his throat.

After Mike did not die, Olsen decided to care for it.

He fed it a blend of milk and water via an eyedropper and gave it small grains of corn and worms.

Mike became famous. It started touring sideshows and was photographed by the likes of Time and Life magazines.

At the peak of Mike's popularity, its owner, Olsen, earned $4,500 ($54,610 in 2021)

Mike was valued at $10,000 ($121,356 in 2021)

Mike díed in 1947 after choking on a kernel corn on its way back from a show.

Credit: Apotheosis of knowledge

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