Unsolved mysterious dead of full family

Strange history on April 4, 1922, a group of local residents went to Hinterkaifek to understand why family members do not go to school and church. 

To their surprise, they found Gruber, his wife, their 35-year-old daughter, two grandchildren and a maid – all of them were killed by a hoe. This was particularly surprising, because the family was dead for three days, and all cows were recently fed, food freshly prepared and neighbors saw smoke from the pipe. In other words, someone lived on a farm after they killed a family.

A few days before the unfortunate incident, Grubber told his neighbors that he had found strange footprints leading from the forest to his farm. Family members also complained of strange noises in the attic and missing a set of keys to the house. Moreover, the maid abruptly quit her job at the farm six months ago. The new maid was hired hours before the mass murder.

Investigators were able to determine that the killer was methodically pursuing the family, lured the older Grubbers into the barn one by one. Finally, he went into the house and killed a young child and a maid while they slept in their bed. The exact order of the murders remained unclear, and there was no motivation. There was no robbery, because all the valuables remained intact.

The nature of the crime is aggravated by the fact that the Grubbers were not a family of the year; most people hated Andreas Grubber for their cruel temper and greed, and the family had a bad reputation - they were considered a village clan of incest. After all, the investigators simply decapitated the bodies, sent their heads to research into the city, to put it simply, surrendered. The crime remains unsolved to this day.


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