Workers race to dig out man buried alive under gravel after truck driver accidentally tips the load onto him

Workers race to dig out man buried alive under gravel after truck driver accidentally tips the load onto him 

This is the moment a man was buried alive for three minutes under a pile of gravel before finally being dug out by his fellow workers.

The worker, from Nairobi, Kenya, was covered when a truck driver tipped the gravel at a construction site unaware he was standing directly behind it.

One man grabbed his legs - which were sticking out the gravel mound - while others used shovels to get to him.

Video footage shows the man unconscious after being pulled from the gravel, but came round after first aid treatment and CPR.

Geography teacher Dicken Muchena, 27, who filmed the footage, said: 'This team was transporting the gravel to a construction site when the driver of the tipper lowered the material without knowing that one of them was behind it.

'The victim was buried from the head and for more than three minutes all those around struggled to remove him from the material.

'I was shocked too, but decided to take the video amidst the agony.

'After a while he was removed and we conducted first aid on him. He finally regained his consciousness by God's grace.'

The incident happened on September 15, in the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. 

See video:


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