Has it ever happened to soldiers being killed by a wild animal attack?

Has it ever happened to soldiers being killed by a wild animal attack?

During World War II, the Imperial Japanese army conquered the island of Ramree.

The allies first conquered Cheduba, which was bereft of soldiers, and then moved on to Ramree, where around 1,000 Japanese troops were fiercely defending themselves inside a stronghold. After days of battle, British troops managed to bypass the fortification, forcing the Japanese to flee.

They then crossed the swamp, populated by marine crocodiles and insects, a completely inhospitable place for man. During the night of February 19, British troops heard sounds that haunted their nightmares for years to come.

The Japanese, now completely within the swamps, had been tried for days in the company of spiders and poisonous snakes, and were now at the end of their tether. So disordered that they became simple prey for "the thousands of marine crocodiles" that crowded the swamps.

Of the approximately 1,000 Japanese soldiers who entered the swamp, only 20 made it out alive.


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